Cyrus Cueva Baruc


Data Analytics | Digital Transformation

View the Project on GitHub greatcyan/cyrus-baruc-data-analytics-portfolio


Revenue Analytics

The report will be used to support the P&L Review as one of the requirements from our stakeholder, Corp. Consolidations. The report will allow the Revenue Accounting team to investigate the revenue buckets/streams with a significant difference from the expected amount (which is based on the AUR from the last 12 months for HW and SU, and based on the average revenue from the last 12 months for SV) instead of validating the top customers.

Summary Page

The purpose of this page is to see the summary of the Revenue Bucket for each Geo. Also, revenue differences that exceed 500k would be highlighted. image

Other Pages

There are 8 revenue buckets, each with its specific pages for revenue details, units, calculations, and analytics. It aids the drill down analysis into granular level.





The Process

The stages below represent the end-to-end process of every BI project, which is consistent across other projects I’ve developed:

For more details, please refer to the Occupancy Cost Center Report, which provides a detailed overview of the report development process flow.

Stakeholders’ Appreciation
