Cyrus Cueva Baruc


Data Analytics | Digital Transformation

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Occupancy Cost Center Report

This is a single page Power BI report aim to provide analysis of the monthly costs and expenses to occupancy-related cost centers. The report design is aligned to the the stakeholder’s requirements to show costs and expenses by general ledger, prior year and current year comparison, and capability to drill down the details, allowing stakeholders a better understanding of costs.

The Process

The data is sourced from SAP Business Warehouse, where it undergoes extraction and normalization into various tables grouped by geographical categories. Subsequently, the data is saved into Power BI dataflows. Measures and calculations are created using Data Analysis Expressions (DAX) and data modeling techniques. Following data cleaning and finalization, the dashboard is designed to align with stakeholders’ requirements. Upon validation of values, acess and visual presentation, the report is deployed and made available for end-users to fulfill their reporting needs. Scheduled refresh is then set in the Power BI Service (the Software as a Service (SaaS) part of Power BI) to ensure that the displayed data is updated. image

The Final Output

The report empowers end-users to explore insights based on their chosen parameters and slicers. It is designed and organized with a visual hierarchy for better data comprehension. Additionally, users can extract data from the report using the export data option, enabling further analysis based on their reporting needs. image

More About the Report

The Slicers

On the left side of the dashboard, users can find the slicers. These slicers allow users to filter and drill down into details based on various categories such as month, geography, functional area, account group (GL), and cost center. The data across other visuals will automatically update based on the specified slicers. Users can specify their desired categories by selecting the slicers, eliminating the need to create multiple reports for different users. image

At the upper right of the report, users can find a currency type slicer displayed as a button. This slicer allows users to view actual costs and expenses based on their currency preference. The numbers displayed in other visuals will also automatically adjust accordingly. image

Last Refresh Time

Every time the scheduled refresh of the data source (dataflows and the semantic model) is complete, this dynamic label for the last refresh time is also updated. It is an essential part of the report to ensure that the data being analyzed or reported is updated and accurate. image

Dynamic Heading Label

The dynamic heading label changes based on user interaction or slicers being selected. Its purpose is to provide context and clarity to the user about the content or context of the information they are viewing. image

The General Ledger Summary Table

The table presents a comparison of actual costs and expenses between the prior year and the current year, categorized by GL Accounts. Users can efficiently identify the top and bottom GL by actual expenses by sorting the table based on prior-year actuals, current-year actuals, or the difference (delta) between them. image

Current Year Actuals by Functional Area

The doughnut chart displays high-level comparative values per functional area, fulfilling an essential requirement for stakeholders. It enables them to quickly identify functional areas with the highest or lowest expenses. image

The Metric Cards

The metric cards represent the three key metrics of this report, displaying high-level values for the current year actuals, the prior year actuals, and the delta between them. They provide a quick overview of these important metrics, allowing stakeholders to easily compare performance between the two years. image

The Monthly Actuals Trend (Current Year vs Prior Year)

The purpose of the Monthly Actuals Trend (Current Year vs Prior Year) chart is to visually compare the actual performance data between the current year and the prior year on a monthly basis, providing enhanced insights into the report. image

Details Table

The Details table serves as a tool to delve deeper into specific cost details, providing a more granular view of the data. Its purpose is to allow users to examine the finer details of costs, enabling a more comprehensive analysis of the data. image