Cyrus Cueva Baruc


Data Analytics | Digital Transformation

View the Project on GitHub greatcyan/cyrus-baruc-data-analytics-portfolio


Development Cost Center Analytics

This single-page Power BI report aims to provide an analysis of monthly costs and expenses related to development cost centers. The goal is to streamline the process of creating the monthly expenses report, which was previously done manually and took 1-2 weeks to complete. With this Power BI report, all manual data processing is automated, including the refresh schedule. Overall, the report reduces processing time from 2 weeks to 5 minutes. Other benefits include improved data accuracy, intuitive design, the capability for variance analysis, and Row-Level Security.


The Process

The stages below represent the end-to-end process of every BI project, which is consistent across other projects I’ve developed:

For more details, please refer to the Occupancy Cost Center Report, which provides a detailed overview of the report development process flow.