Cyrus Cueva Baruc


Data Analytics | Digital Transformation

View the Project on GitHub greatcyan/cyrus-baruc-data-analytics-portfolio


Python Developer

I worked for Excigence as a freelance Python developer. The goal was to create a Python script for data analysis and data visualization functionalities, which are dependencies for their end-to-end test development project.

Prior to this project, I completed trainings and certification in Python programming and data analysis.

About Excigence Asia Inc.

Excigence Asia Inc. is a test development company with a mission to be the leader in Test Development solutions and services in the Philippines and Asia.

👉 Click here to view Excigence Asia Inc website.

The Project

Due to confidentiality, sharing the whole scripts is not allowed. You may watch the actual development video by clicking this 👉 link.

The “Test Program Loader” GUI

This app is used to manage test scripts for testing electrical devices. It also features a dynamic selection option that allows users to choose specific test files based on their needs. The analyze and visualize data function is also embedded in the GUI which automatically display the summary logs and the chart.


Proof of Freelance Work
