Cyrus Cueva Baruc


Data Analytics | Digital Transformation

View the Project on GitHub greatcyan/cyrus-baruc-data-analytics-portfolio


Cebu Provincial Dashboard

This Excel dashboard project was developed as a requirement to complete the Data Associate Certification in Project SPARTA.

Click here to download the Cebu Provincial Dashboard file.



The goal of this dashboard is to aid the authorities of Cebu Province in resource allocation, planning, and comparing demographics of each municipality and city. It also highlights the interplay among unique tourist attractions, population size, infrastructure, business climate, and talent outputs.

The Final Output

The dashboard tab is the main tab of the workbook. It is a dynamic dashboard that allows users to select specific municipalities or cities, and the visuals automatically change, which is useful for comparative analysis, providing quick insights about the data. The dashboard uses visual hierarchies so that users can easily explore and understand the data.


The Process

Data source

The data source is from Digital Cities PH and is filtered for Cebu Province only. Since there was no structured table available, I manually scraped the data and pasted it into the Excel workbook under the Extracted_Data (Raw) worksheet, organizing the data for easy referencing.


Data Cleansing and Transformation

The data is cleansed and transformed using advanced Excel formulas such as INDEX, SEARCH, and MID to automate referencing and lookups.


Finalizing and Loading of Data

Created a final table that is ready for analysis and exploration.


Data Analysis

Analyzed the data and made a query tables and linked charts to be used for data viz and dashboard.



Dashboard Development and Design

Designing the dashboard.
